Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, January 13, 2011

LIfe as Of Late

Tuesday this past week both kids had dr.'s check ups and well my 9 month old son tipped the scales at 25lbs, 11 oz., and he is 31.5 inches long. Kenzie weighed in at 21 lbs and I do not remember how long she is. When Kenzie and Jaris stand next to each other Jaris is taller. Jaris also had physio yesterday and he started showing off for the ladies. At one point they were asking me if he was able to get up on all fours and start rocking back and forth, and I said nope not yet. Well no joke less than a minute after that Jaris was up on all fours and rocking and talking and showing off. I am so proud of both my babes.

I have started doing the chores on our farm which I am enjoying. Jeral has a really bad knee and some days can barely walk on it and since the barns are 350 feet in length and each barn is walked four times, there is no way his knee can hold out so I after about 4 years have gone back into the barns, and I liking it. The time to think is great. I may not give him back the barns after his knee feels better.

We are looking forward to a family trip in February when our birds have shipped. Once again the trip is to Abbotsford and Vancouver! We tend not to be too creative. Plus traveling to where family and friends are makes the trip great for the kids and we get that little bit of extra helping hands with them. As both of them get older it makes traveling harder, well the nights are more difficult however that is life! And give it a few years and life and traveling will be easier!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Yup, it gets easier. Thanks for the update and enjoy your family holiday :0) I want to get together with you again, maybe when life slows down a bit, when Jeral's knee is better. Take care!