Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sitting Still Continued ...

I have spent much of this Saturday doing very little. I woke up after a restless sleep, took a shower, got dressed, drove to Enderby to pick up something, came home and downloaded a song off the net, made us lunch, talked on the phone and then I sat down to spend some much needed time with Jesus (oh I forgot I started to do the laundry too).

The time with Jesus is really the highlight of the day, or at least that is what I was really looking forward to. The problem is though that I have been unexplainably tired for the past week and a half. So as I headed into my time with Jesus, He wanted me to just rest. AHHHHHHHHHHH! What are you talking about just rest? Yep, just rest, take a nap do absolutely nothing. As I started to argue with Jesus about doing nothing, I was reminded of something I read earlier this week. Jesus reminded me that it was before he did anything in ministry, before he performed any miracles that His Father in Heaven opened up the heaven, and said "You are my Son whom I love; with you I am well pleased." Before Jesus went out and did some very big things for the glory of His Father, He was loved, and accepted. As a chosen daughter through adoption I too am loved and accepted. I am loved before I do a single task. I am loved by my Heavenly Daddy even if I do nothing. If I go to bed tonight and wake up tomorrow unable to get out of bed, and spend the rest of my life there I am am loved my Heavenly Father.

So, rest huh! Quit striving huh! Do nothing for a bit huh! Okay! The best suprise about dong nothing is that I get to rest in the arms of my Heavenly Father, listening to Him tell me He loves me, which in turn that time of doing nothing gives me the rest, and rejuvination I need to do the tasks, I am called to by my Heavenly Father. So if you are reading this and you have a moment today spend some time sitting in your belovedness. It makes a difference.

Blessings, Leanne

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