Well these days I am becoming more and more convinced that healing the wounds of the past is a slow process. We live in an age where instant gratification is the norm. If you want if you can get it and quick, whatever you want. Honestly in our material world there isn't much you cant get especially if you have the money.
Some days if I could I would be very tempted to buy/purchase emotional healing. Just buy I have my little piece of paper or whatever I would get saying I have bought it and I would be done. Anytime a problem came up I would pull out the plaque or paper and say to bad so sad I am all healed so lets not bring that up. However in doing that I would miss out on the journey. Lifes journey with its many twists and turns can't be stopped with a plaque or a piece of paper. The twists will happen and the turns may at times be confusing, and the pace of the journey at times may feel slower than molasses in January, and despite all of that each moment is to be lived. Lived to its fullest. It's fullest joy, happiness, excitement, or it's fullest pain, sorrow, grief. denying the experience of these emotions in the moments that they come is like denying life. I know it is easier said than done to live fully when many of us including myself want the instant fix, the instant healing instead of the long lasting fruits of time and gradual transformation.
Above there are two pictures of the same painting. I took another attempt at a blindfolded painting. This time I did really well. Until Jesus threw in a hitch I was not expecting. He asked me to finish the painting not blindfolded. Oiy just when I thought I was figuring it out I had it all wrong. The first painting is the part done with the blindfold, and the second one is the finished product with out a blindfold on. I was freaked that I was going to mess up the painting if I was looking. I was gently reminded that part of the process is maybe messing up on my own so I can learn to more fully rely on Jesus, instead of myself. Honestly if my counselor ever read my blog I might be a little hooped. She could then use my own words to remind me healing takes time. And yet maybe that wouldn't be so bad. I am rambling now and it is getting late. Whether I am tired or not I still have school and students to work with tomorrow.
So good night!
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