The painting you see here is actually the second painting. The first one I peeked and corrected about 50% of the time. The picture was of a broken clock, which has a lot of meaning for me also, however that is for another post. This painting came about due to my great frustration at not being able to get it right and to just let go and trust Jesus, and the truth be told I peeked and corrected about 20% of the time with this one. To be honest this is going to be a journey for me. There are many more paintings to come. I am finding every day is a journey in trusting and giving control to Jesus, something I do not to easily do. In John 21:18 Jesus says to Peter "I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." Letting go of control and trusting Jesus is the hardest thing I know that I will ever do because in essence it is saying I surrender. When you are a fighter like me surrender, even when you know you cannot win is impossible. I would prefer to fight to the death then surrender my will, and what I want.
This painting is more than just a reminder of my need to surrender control to Jesus. It is a representation that when it feels the darkest in my life Jesus is there, and darkness to Jesus is light. Psalm 139:12 " Even darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day for darkness is as light to you." When we are in the midst of our darkest struggles Jesus is there holding us. Jesus is there even when we cannot see Him, and he is definitely not afraid of the dark. We may be afraid to go and enter into the dark places, but Jesus isn't. For anyone reading, if I would have chosen a word to write in the light I would have picked failure, because I was unable to give 100% control to Jesus, and as I listened and painted one last word in amidst all the other lies that word was the truth in the light. Jesus reminded me that I am His beloved. When I lifted up the blindfold to yet again peek tears came to my eyes because of where Jesus guided my hand and brush. The truth in among all the lies is I am a beloved daughter of God.
Blessing to you all,
1 comment:
Hello my dear friend. I have missed you so much! I miss seeing you every day and having a brief update on your life! I miss your great hugs and your great smile. While I was reading your thoughts I could hear you speaking. I love that Jesus is so close to you and you are allowing him to love you. I love you painting and can't wait to see the one that you do with no peeking! I wonder if I could meet up with you in Vancouver one of these times...? When do you think you and Jeral will take a trip out here? Tony's been riding since our move, the weather has been a little sunny almost every day and a little rainy almost every day too. I you come in June we will have our guest room ready, if you come before then we'll just shuffle the kiddies around:) Can't wait to see what God is doing with you next!
Love ya!
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