Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter and Life In General

 Eating Paska at Grandma Johnston's.  My mom makes the best paska in the world.  I have tasted many others paska and still my mom makes the best!
 Kenzie decided to play in the rain one day and she had a blast.  Her brother on the other hand was not to happy about the rain!
 My boy who can sleep anywhere! And in almost any position
 Sleeping with daddy!
 We used to have two quads, however we are down to one right now and the other day they were squealing away while I was in the kitchen and I walked in to see this the two of them riding the quad together!
 He already looks like a football player!
 I love her smile!
 Sitting on a stump
 Love this boys hair!  I think I will let it grow long for a while so it gets nice and shaggy!
 Looking at and doing puzzles with James at the Krahn family Easter
 Hanging out with Auntie Jodi
 Sucking on the Birthday Cupcake candles
 The older boy cousins
 My two nieces with one of my fabulous sister in laws
 Some of the fun gifts we got from G & G Krahn
 I think we said something she was not impressed with
 Program time
 One of the three songs we sang
 Grandma Krahn accompanied by Kenzie.  Not sure who is having more fun? Grandma or Kenzie?
 I think we have a performer on our hands
 The men again
 My niece's with my other fabulous sister in law
 Reading scripture!
 Jaris wanted in on the action too
 Reading more scripture
 At the park with the cousins
Going down the slide with another fantastic cousin

We just had a fantastic Easter weekend with family.  We got together with both Jeral's family and my family.  It made for a busy weekend, yet a fun weekend.  We also told our families that the little baby growing in me is a boy!  Yep we are having another boy! We feel very blessed and excited to be adding one more to our family come August 25th.  We are sure Kenzie will be able to handle being the only girl in the family, after all she is a fiery and feisty girl.  Plus I have a feeling that her brothers will be the ones beating away the boys that she chases after and kisses!!! 


Trev and Rebekah said...

I love that picture of your son with the football. And yes Kenzie's smile is wonderful. Those kids are so grown up since I last saw them.

Ashlea said...

Congratulations Leanne, another sweet little boy! So excited for you guys, and as always, I love the update and pictures!! You have beautiful children.