Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hayden Ezra

Were do I begin?  Well first I want to introduce you to Hayden Ezra the newest addition to our family!  He arrive on August 13th at 3:35 pm (12 days early and a week before the planned induction date).  He weighed 8 lbs & 15 oz, and was 21.5 inches long!  

We went to the hospital to be assessed on Sunday August 12th (Jeral's birthday), and I thought they would be sending me home, however I was wrong the on call OB admitted me.  My contractions were not super painful yet they were close together and it looked like I was going to get going.  So we called my good friend Karen and she came to join us for the day as she was one of my support people.  Well instead of labor ramping up it go less and less, so I thought I would get to go home for the night. I was wrong.  I had to stay, however I sent Jeral and Karen home so they could sleep at least.  In the morning I got up and started packing my bag back up and then went and started getting dressed when my OB came in to assess me, and well without contractions for a good part of the night i had continued to dilate (I have no idea how that works), and he decided to break my water.  I had yet another shocked look on my face!  I thought for sure I was going to get to go home.

Jeral brought the kids to come and visit before my pain got unmanageable it was so nice to get to see them for a bit.  When I am not with them i miss them so very much.  Then Karen and I went for a walk to ramp things up.  I had forgotten how painful labor was.  I availed my self of the shower to help with the pain and was hopeful things were progressing, yet the opposite is what happened, I stopped dilating, actually I closed up a bit.  Which apparently is what happened when I was in labor with Jaris.  So bring on the Oxytocin!  Apparently I needed very minimal to send me in to over drive and in 1 hour I went from 4 cm- 10cm!  That went quick!  I recall begging for pain medication, I wanted it all and I even contemplated being cut in half just to end the pain.  With every contraction I had to remind myself to just make it through one more, I can make it through one more!  I would not have made it without Karen's help.  Seriously she was my rock, and exactly who I needed to be with us through one of the most amazing experiences of life.  At one point I was rolled onto my back to find Hayden's heart beat and to be examined and well I said I needed to push and Dr.Upton barely made it there to catch Hayden as he shot out in one 

Because Hayden came out so quickly his lungs were wet and so was his tummy and because of that he stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated.  Talk about being scared! I was in the process of hemorrhaging while this was going on and felt utterly helpless as I just wanted to be with my son.  He had to be in the nursery over night so they could keep an eye on him.  I hated not being with him.  I went to visit and feed him and was told to get as much rest as I could, and they would bring him to me when it was time.

The next morning he was allowed to come to the room with me which was so nice!  And then I hemorrhaged again, so not pleasant.  However since I have great blood I managed to not need a transfusion just have to take iron for the next 60 days!!!!!! Thus we got to come home yesterday!  I think I will leave it at that for now.  Lots of other stuff went on however I think that will be for me and Ellen to process.


Leanne said...

He's beautiful! So happy for you!

Chris is a geek said...

Congratulations! What a cutie! So glad he is finally here!


Jen Glen said...

Wow! Wasn't expecting that post! Congratulations! So glad he's healthy and you're doing fine.

Ashlea said...

Congratulations!! He is so beautiful. So, sooo happy for you guys!!