Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

Wow so we have celebrated Easter. One thing that I was struck by is the fact that we all get so somber during Good Friday. I know that is the day that 2000 plus years ago Christ died. However seriously do we have to be so somber now. I agree it is good to remember and even necessary to remember, and yet I don't think that the church service on Good Friday needs to be all somber and sad and then make us wait until Sunday to rejoice. Let be rejoicing and dancing now, because HE IS ALIVE!!!!! Okay that is my little tangent.

Easter was good. This year we went to visit my mom, and my sister, as well as my cousin and her husband were over also. Good fun times. My husband is so adorable, when I woke up yesterday and came down stairs he had placed a little stuffed bunny along with some chocolate on the counter for me. I love that man. He is my mister cuddle buns!!!!;)

Tomorrow Jeral's parents are here for a night. I know he is looking forward to seeing them and I am in a much better place this time. No fertility drugs pumping through me yeah! I must say that I am celebrating for myself the fact that my anxiety levels are not through the roof, and I am not freaking that it will be at least 4 more weeks until I see Joy. For me this is evidence that I am growing and changing and becoming a healthier person.

Well blessings to all of you and I hope you all had a fantastic Easter!


Trev and Rebekah said...

I know the struggle of trying to be happy for friends who get pregnant and yet struggling inside that you aren't. Praying for you.

Janelle said...

thinking of you all the time - and LOVINg how HAPPY you sound!! :) big hugs my dear! i love ya.