Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trip To Osoyoos

So my wonderful husband and I took a trip to Osoyoos last weekend. Since we had shipped our chickens to the processing plant we were able to get away fora few days. SOOOOOOO nice!!!!!

We stayed at a very nice place. We had our own suite and I must say I didn't mind cooking there at all. Seeing that I could just start the dish washer and someone else would come and put them back in the cupboards was a definite bonus.

So while we were there we spent an afternoon with my grandparents. We found out that my Uncle Dave (my grandpa's son) is dying of kidney cancer, and he does not qualify for a transplant so they have given him and year, and on top of that we also found out that my grandma has cancer and has opted out of treatment. My grandpa has been fight cancer for 15 years, and he is now withering away. None of them are walking with Jesus so this is heavy on my heart. Every time we even bring up Jesus/God or anything along those lines the defenses come flying up and the cursing starts so right now we are just praying and trusting Jesus that he knows what he is doing.

While we were there something else interesting happened. We went to my Father's grave. I had his Bibles that I wanted to leave there, as well as a letter from me. Funny thing is that when we got there we couldn't find his grave anywhere. We spent an hour trying to find it and just couldn't. AHHHHHH! We were pretty sure we knew where it was, however there was NOTHING to mark it at all. We even called my Aunt Cindy out (my grandpa's daughter). I was getting very frustrated when I felt Jesus say " YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AT HIS GRAVE TO RELEASE ALL PAIN, HURT, ANGER, SADNESS, AND CONFUSION." So after my aunt left I say down at one of the three possible graves that it could be and read the letter I wrote. A letter that went from one end of the spectrum to the other and ending in forgiveness (it was a long letter). Then the wind picked up and it blew straight through me. If you have had had this happen you what I am am talking about. It was a strange and yet wonderful feeling, and then I felt Jesus saying, "JUST AS THERE IS NO MARKER OF HIS LIFE, THERE ARE NO MARKS LEFT ON YOU MARKS LEFT ON YOU FROM WHAT HE DID." Talk about freeing. I know I still have a journey a head of me, however I have this mental and heart maker of no mark, to come back to when I need to. And as such Jeral and I have decided that we are not going to put a mark on my Dad's grave. If someone else wants to then that is fine, however for me I will never be going back there anyways, so it is time to let go, release the past and keep walking in the direction Jesus is calling me to.

This is all that there is to mark my father's enterance and exit from life. That he has finally found the peace he never had here on earth.

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