Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, February 29, 2008

Winter Turning To Spring

Today as I was out in the back field I was struck by the process of winter turning into spring. The once soft snow has now turned hard and crusty. The snow is melting and yet it is hard, and as the snow melts away the ground will turn to muck, and it will be gross and messy out there for a while before we have the beauty of spring. The beauty of watching flowers bloom and seeing wonderful butterflies landing on the flowers. Or the beauty of humming birds flying around etc. We don't have winter one day and then wake up the next day to spring, with everything growing and in bloom.

What stuck me even more is the sometimes our lives parallel winter turning into spring. As we begin to heal and journey towards health there are times where when the melting process happens we may actually harden a bit. Then as we continue to trust and turn control over to Jesus the hardness continues to melt and then we find ourselves frustrated because we are in the muck and it feels worse then before. Then we are confused because we think that things should get better right away, and this mess does not fit in with our idea of healing and getting better. We are not wounded on day and healed the next day (I wish this though a lot!) If only we would be patient and wade through the muck. Not over and not around it, instead through it. Then we would one day open our eyes to the beauty of spring to see flowers blooming and butterflies landing, and so much more.

I'll be honest I am still not there yet, as in wanting to wade through the muck. I still want to go around it or leap over it. And try as I might to give up control and muddle through I still fail, and fight to keep the control that I so desperately want. I still want to jump over the mess in the middle.

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