Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back On Fertility Drugs

So the title says it all. Yep I am back on fertility drugs. Namely Clomid. I went to see my doctor last week Friday to ask to be sent to and Endocrinologist (they specialize in hormone imbalances), and asked her about some other fertility drugs such as Femara (also used in treating cancer patients). She was good about everything and admitted that this fertility stuff is not her specialty, in fact she said she was clueless. And as such only wanted to prescribe what she knows and is comfortable with. So back on clomid, and we have upped the dosage of another drug that will help with all this hopefully.

In all the books I have been reading on PCOS, they all say that woman with PCOS need to give clomid at least 5 - 6 months to work. Oiy! We only gave it two months. So in combination with exercising an hour a day at least, and changing my eating habits, we are back on the clomid. And I must say that I think all doctors who prescribe clomid need to really stress that the patient needs to exercise. Seriously the side effects I felt last time are not nearly as bad, actually I think that the exercising everyday has nullified the moodiness. We'll see what happens next month. I guess I just need to keep exercising. Thank goodness I have a treadmill at home for the days getting into Vernon is next to impossible. I also just bought a few weights so I can work on toning body parts. Slow progress and yet I know it will be worth it.

Side note my sister's pregnancy is going well. A little over a week ago we got a bit of a scare when she was bleeding. So far though all the ultra sounds have been good and the baby has a good steady heart beat. So it is looking like early February I will be and Aunty!

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