Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Big 30

So today I am the big 30!!!!!!!!! I have been asked by many people how I feel about leaving y 20's behind and being 30 now. So here is my answer. I am blessed to see many friends loving their 30's and 40's, so I say bring on my 30's. I in no way miss my 20's, or teenage years. I am looking forward to everything that God has in store for me in the years to come. I know that He has me on one amazing journey. A hard journey sometimes and yet a totally amazing journey. So there are no tears about turning 30, instead I am meeting this new decade with enthusiasm and excitement!


Trev and Rebekah said...

30-33 were the years Jesus did his ministry. Enjoy your Jesus Years!!

Bunny said...

What a great attitude. That is the way I felt when I hit 30. Now I take on each year the same way. Many blessings.

Unknown said...

Pretty awesome Leanne. Hope this year is full of so many good things for You and Jeral

Tara said...

I miss your blogging!! Where have you been?
Love you my friend! Thanks for loving me too!