Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, July 20, 2009

Home Study and Just Life Update!

So last week we signed off on our homestudy, and today I called the agency that did our homestudy to find out if they had sent the paper work off to the agency that we are going to adopt through. The paper work was sent off today!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah for that. We are finally officially in the books.

So now we are in a waiting game. I am still praying very much so that our baby is in our arms and home by the end of summer. It's all a waiting now for us! So wait we will do.

In the mean time this week is super busy. Tomorrow I get to hang out with my amazing God-Daughters for the day. Wednesday I am going to Kamloops to help move boxes to the place my mom is moving too. Thursday I am babysitting, and then taking a friend to the airport. Friday I am hosting a Beauty Control Spa Party. Saturday is the official moving day for my mom. Sunday some friends are coming. Monday is packing, and on Tuesday we leave for the Abbotsford, Langley, Vancouver, Courtenay, Victoria, and Pender Island. We are gone for 11 days on the motor bike. Oh the bliss!!!!!!!

So that is life. We are enjoying life and having fun!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Enjoy your holiday. If you have time call before then. If not we'll catch up after.
Love you and will hopefully see you soon!