Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, March 7, 2011

Being a mom sometimes is heart wrenching! Kenzie has never liked saying goodbye to people and when she sees them going out the door she ofter follows and has a sad look on her face. Now that Kenzie is walking and running all over the place it is getting hard for me to leave the house on Mondays if she is not taking a nap when I need to go. It is as though she has this instinct that mommy is going somewhere without her and she is not a fan of the idea. For example last week Thursday I needed to go buy a bathing suit so we could take the kids to the public pool on Friday and the plan was I was going by myself as trying clothes on is easier without two little ones with me. However as I was about to leave Kenzie stood at the door crying and well that was all it took for me to pick her up and tell Jeral I was taking her with me. Sometimes I wonder if she is scared that mommy is not coming back and this is how she lets us know that she wants to make sure I am coming back. On the upside when I get home and she hears my voice I always hear her throw down whatever toy she is playing with and then she comes running to find me! I like that!

On a different note, Kenzie is speaking a new word and it is puppies! Well her variation of puppies. Auntie Jodi is the one who figured it out! I am sure in the next weeks and month there will be all sorts of word that we figure out. I love hearing her talk!


Chris is a geek said...
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Caroline said...

(that was me signed in to the wrong account above)
Aw, poor Kenzie. Taking one is better than both to try stuff on, hey?