Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, March 18, 2011

Yesterday evening as I was bathing the kids and getting ready to go to a coffee shop to work on a "sermon" for a couple of Sundays from now I read one of the phrases I have on a cue card around my bathroom mirror. The card reads "My body is in the process of being healed and will one day fully be healed, I am deserving and worthy of healing." I was struck with what that meant to me back when I wrote that and what it means to me now. Back about 2 and a half years ago maybe 3 (my brain is still foggy some days. The joys of being a mom), for me that meant to me that I would eventually be skinny, my uterus and ovaries would be healed so I could get pregnant, the PCOS I have would be gone and all the other side effects that come with PCOS too. Now I would write it a little different the new card I need to write would read "I am in the process of being healed and will one day fully be healed. I am deserving and worthy of being healed in every way, physically, emotionally, spiritually etc." Healing is more than just a physical body thing. Anyways I will leave that thought there!

Now onto my beautiful babes which I know is the reason most of you read the blog. We have decided to make swimming at the pool in Vernon a weekly event. Today was the first time that Kenzie started to venture away from us a little bit in the kiddie pool. Normally she hangs on to me for dear life afraid that I will leave her there! Jaris gets super excited to be in the big pool with us. today though we saw some floating poop and I can tell you it was not from our kids. Yuck is all I have to say.

Kenzie is into puppies and everything seems to be a puppy even I am a puppy and she woofs at me! It honestly is very cute. We even got her to woof on the phone for Grandma Krahn the other night. She also has a language all her own. Hearing her talk is one of the most adorable things every. It is hard to explain and better to see and hear in person! We also have a tough time keeping her from climbing on everything. The word share is also not in her vocabulary - however I think she will need to learn what "mine" means before she will truly understand what "share" means. We were out getting our passport done yesterday and we kept getting comments about how beautiful our little girl was and what a great personality she has. Probably has to do with the fact that she was waving at everyone and motioning for them to come over with her hand, and then she would talk to them.

Jaris is getting better at furniture walking every day, and he sure loves to stand up and play at the ottoman on on the couch! Getting him to spend more time crawling is getting harder all the time. Jaris eats everything he finds and sees. We cannot leave a book or a magazine laying in an area he can get at because before we know it he has it in his hands and is eating it. He looks at me and smiles when he is eating it too, and when I pick him up and finger sweep his mouth to get it out he looks at me with his baby blues and starts to cry! What a boy! He is teething again so here is hoping his 18 month old molars come in easier than Kenzie's did because that was not fun for her and looked very painful. I am so glad that I do not remember how much that hurt!

I am loving the extra say light that we are getting. It means I can take the kids on walks in the evenings and the grumpy time is a little easier to handle. For some reason once the stroller is moving the grumpies stop! Now if only they were as tired as mommy after wards that would be great!

Well there you have it! Blessings to you all!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Thinking of you and wanted to stop by to say hi and that I love you!