Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My handsome son. I love that this one is slightly out of focus with only his fingers really in focus! He has beautiful hands my boy!
Going down the slide at the park together!

Look at the static! Jaris had no fear on any of the slides at the park! It was so fun watching him play and a little nerve racking when he was near an opening that he could fall through and get hurt!

This man is an amazing father and husband! I am so blessed that he is my husband and best friend and that he is the father to our children!

My favorite picture of Grandpa Krahn! The kids had a blast playing with Grandma and Grandpa at the park!

My two miracles! I love you Kenzie and Jaris and always will, you make everyday a brighter and better day just by being my kids!

Me and my miracles!

Static hair for both of us beauties!!!! See we managed to get a few pictures of me this trip and Jeral did a great job capturing the beauty and fun of both his daughter and wife! Love you hun!!!

Love this boy more than words could ever say. I am a lucky and blessed mommy!

Yet another great picture of my son! Sure is a photogenic boy

MacKenzie has the best smile in the whole world! Yes I know I am her mom and that I am biased, however it is true - her smile is so big. It is almost larger than life sort of like her personality! We are so thankful and honored everyday that her birth mother chose us to be Kenzies family!

What are you pointing at my son?

We had a great last visit with Grandma and Grandpa Krahn before they head south for the winter! Kenzie and Jaris are getting to the age where we know they remember places and people and it is so fun watching the expressions on their faces as they put two and two together! They were not happy a out having to be in their car seats for so long and yet when we drove up to Grandma and Grandpa's it is like they knew where we were and they got very excited!

Everyday with Kenzie and Jaris is full of excitement and adventure. They are so curious about everything. They love washing dishes with me. They are both strong enough to push the chairs where ever they want in the house and use them to climb up on things! Oiy, I feel as thought I can never turn my back on them for a moment!

I had a root canal done this morning! Oiy! One of the not fun parts of having a high pain tolerance is that I also have a high tolerance to pain medications, and my mouth does not freeze well. Yet I am thankful that is is done and hoping in the next few days the pain goes away! Until then a little whiskey or bailey's in hot chocolate will help sooth the pain!!!! :) Well I have a very upset 22 month old who does not want to go to bed so I will go snuggle! Enjoy the pictures of some very adorable kids!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Yuck on the root canal. And I like seeing pics of your smiling face and your beautiful kids.