Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Tribute to a Very Special Woman

I am writing this post to say THANK YOU to a very special woman in my life. Her Name is Joy and she has been journeying with me and walking with me for about 13 months. Joy is my counsellor! Yes I see a counsellor, and I honestly believe everyone at some point in his or her life could benefit from having a counsellor. Someone to be there just for you.

I started going to counselling 13 months ago to really work on the effects of my parents divorce and my dad's alcoholism (which subsequently lead to my dad becoming very abusive) had on my life. Especially since I was in a serious relationship with the man I am now married to. Actually if I am brutally honest I originally went to get two friends off of my case, and then as a result of connecting with Joy I started to work on the circumstances stated above.

Anyways here are some things that I am very thankful for, and I think that every woman needs a woman like Joy in her life!

1)Joy calls it like it is! Seriously it used to catch me off guard when she wouldn't sugar coat things and now I have come to appreciate her honesty with me during counselling so very much!

2)She comes from a place of understanding. I appreciate the fact that she understands what I am feeling and going through because she has been there.

3)She won't let me pull the wool over her eyes.

4)I know she will hold me accountable to do the tasks that Jesus has asked me to do for my own growth.

5)Her compassion. I used to have a very hard time looking at her or anyone for that matter who may have had compassion and caring in their eyes, and yet now when I am able to look her right in the eyes which is more and more often now. Sometimes I just want to look into her eyes because I now I will see compassion and I need to have more of that on myself.

6) This is probably what I appreciate the most, and that is Joy's ability to cry. Her tears paved the way for me to finally find it acceptable to cry. I can honestly say that I have never ever cried alone when I have been in my sessions with Joy, she has always cried with me. To be given the gift of someone else's tears is truly a huge blessing, and to know that I am not crying alone is an even greater blessing.

7)Her openness to having Jesus lead the counselling session and let Him be The Counsellor first and foremost. I love the fact that during each session I am with both Jesus and Joy.

My life is forever changed because of this amazing woman, and I know that all the words in the world would never come close to expressing my gratitude and appreciation. The reality is that she will most likely also never read this so I will at some point have to find another way to express my thankfulness to her in person. Honestly I am pretty sure that God knew getting to see Joy and have her counsel me and help me work through some of my garbage is what would make my in ability to get pregnant right now more tolerable.

I hope and pray that you are all having a great day.

Love, Prayers, and Blessings!



Kelsie-Lynn said...

I am SO glad you have Joy in your life. Sounds like an amazing relationship!

Janelle said...

what a blessing to have such an amazing person to walk along with you & rejoice as you conquer the past! i'm so so happy that you have someone like that in your life!! :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

I just read your comment on Janelle's blog. I was wondering when and if you two would be trying or not. Trying is not fun when it takes many months or years. Yet I find I am more sensitive and caring towards those that find themselves in that place after I had to wait 8 months for our precious little boy.
I love it that your counselor cries with you. What a gift!