Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Farm!

Janelle this post is just for you. Here is the chicken farm we live on and run in Armstrong BC!

The view of our barns and shop. While Jeral and I were dating we planted the cedar trees along the garden which is now hayed over and grass has been planted on.

Me on the lawn tractor with a heavy roller to pack down the ground before we plant grass and then lay hay over top. I must say that I loved getting to this.

The dog pen! Nothing to special.

Entrance into the barns. For bio-security we have to have locks and signs.

The chickens! We have about 17, 500 in each barn, and each barn is 40 feet by 350 feet.

Outside of the barns leading to the back part of our 20 acres.

The big pile of chicken poop out behind the barns! I wonder if there are any beauty secrets involved in a poop bath, because then I should have enough to last a while:)

Our property goes back to the tree line, what you are seeing is actually our property and our bro and sis in laws back property. We rent the land out to another farmer right now.

Side of the barns again, with what we call chicken dust being blown out by the fans. The smell is yuck!!!!

The view of our house from the front of our property. In totally we have about 2 acres worth of lawn, grass and trees. We also have plumb trees, pear trees, apple trees, and apricot trees on our property.

Our house again with the rock garden in front of it. The house is huge inside so we are hoping and praying that God will allow us to start our family soon. Either through adopting, or maybe just maybe God will heal my ovaries and I will be able to conceive!

There you have it. Our life on the farm!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

OH MY GOODNESS Leanne! that is one of the most beautiful farms I've ever seen! you are living in a little piece of heaven (minus the chicken dust & poop - haha). My heart just filled with joy when I saw how blessed you have been. How you live in this beautiful country where you can look outside & see beautiful hills & mountains...and you live in a DREAM home that one day God WILL fill with little feet. I'm so proud of you...
and I SOOOOO want to visit! I know nothing about BC...but we're going to be taking a trip there soon hopefully! We want to stop in Kelowna & end up in Abby....are you along the way??? :)
THanks for the pics, i REALLY enjoyed them, and now i can picture where you are & what you are doing!!!
Love you!