Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm a Farm Wife

So Jeral and I have spent the last few days working on the back yard. We have decided to grass over the garden area. I am not a big gardener. I would like two small raised bed and then I might plant a bit of a garden.

Anyways the last few day I have been out there with the rotter tiller, and rake working away. We have had a few days of glorious sun, and it looks as though today is going to be another one. We need to rent a roller to pack down the ground, and then we need to lightly rake the ground again and then we can plant the grass and cover it with hay (to keep the grass seed from blowing away). I must say that I definitely feel as though I am a farmer while I am doing this stuff, and it has been good for me to be out there beside my husband doing this stuff.

My husband got this bright idea to use some of the dirt he dug up last year to fill in and level off the area we want to grass, and at first I though it was an excellent idea. However once we dumped the dirt and I started to try to rake it out I realized the dirt was in fact clay. That makes things a little tougher. The ground on our property is clay. Oiy lets add to the work, oh well, it means we get to spend more time together outdoors then.

Well that is it for our adventures. I'll take some pic over the next few days and add them in a later post.

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