Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 7

So I am now 7 weeks along, and this past week we had a scare, and I freaked out! I guess I would not be a normal woman, or mom if I did not freak out. Luckily we are at a private fertility clinic so I called and they got me in the next day for an early ultrasound. Our little "Joy Bug" is still safely in me. We got to see his or her little heart beating. Wow! It made everything so much more real. I guess up until now as much as the tests have all come back saying that I am pregnant, I was not sure if this was all true. We tried for 2 and a half years, and the tests always came back negative. So yeah seeing our tiny little Joy Bug made everything all the more real, well seeing him or her and the fact that morning sickness has hit pretty good, and I am tried all the time! Not that I am complaining! I rather enjoy having a good excuse to go to bed early and sleep a lot during the day.

We will be going back this week for the originally scheduled ultrasound, and then we will better know my due date! However in the mean time I will eat kids fishy crackers, ice cream and nectarines, and smoothies with protein thrown in so I am getting some protein since the tough of eating any meat right now makes me sick. Maybe I will become a vegetarian while I am pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah not likely, however for now I will do what I have to do!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad the baby is okay.
I could NOT eat ground beef for the life of me when I was pregnant with Isaiah. I am thankful that it grew on me again and now I enjoy my beef.

Love ya. We get to see each other real soon. You are in on the 26th?