Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In Their Own Room!

Both of them not happy with mommy and daddy. However since we were adjusting the height of Kenzie's crib we thought we would stick both in Jaris' for a few minutes. That did not go over so well. Yet for once instead of stressing out I just laughed and decided to take a picture! Even when mad they are cute!

Kenzie in her crib. She was half asleep, and yet I knew she was about to freak, so after I took the picture I picked her up and cuddled for a few minutes and then put her back down and now she is sound asleep!

Jaris in his crib, and yes that is a pink soother in his mouth. Some times I just do not care about the color of the soother, as long as it makes him happy and sleepy, I am okay with him sucking on a pink one! Plus one day this will make great wedding slide show stuff!

Well I think we finally have things set up that our miracles will be sleeping in their own room from here on in. Well at least they will start in their own room. We broke down today and bought a portable air conditioner! Not that i do not love having our babes in our room, it is just I have realized that while they may be sleeping I am hyper sensitive to every little more and noise they make thus I jump to get them when really they are sleeping still. the only reason they were in our room was because we have A.C. in our room, and well now they do also!

Both Jaris and Kenzie had their shots yesterday and well that made for an interesting night last night! Luckily Jaris slept, because Kenzie decided to play, play, play, and cuddle, cuddle, cuddle! She was definitely out of sorts, which I would be too if I had to get poked and then got a fever from it! I seriously hate having to take my babeis for shots.
We got finally have an appointment to see a pediatrician for Jaris, July 28th in the morning. I am looking forward to finally getting some expert advice and action in regards to Jaris' floppy body. We are hoping it is a muscle issue and that in time with therapy it will correct itself, however we also know it could be something more. Therefore we are erring on the side of caution and getting everything checked out!
Well both babes are sleeping so I think I need to go to bed also! Driving to Kamloops tomorrow to hang out with Grandma J.!


Caroline said...

Oh good, a date for the pediatrician! Have fun in Kamloops!

Unknown said...

Like the new look :)

Glad your little ones can have their own room too...its a hard move but I know I didn't realize how much sleep I was missing till Ed made the kids move to their own rooms

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad you got the appointment for Jaris. Hope it goes well.

Love you!