Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well I definitely think my blogging has slowed down in the past month or so. As much as I love writing about the journey we are on, I am finding I need to take my down time and sleep whenever I can. Sleep is a priceless commodity in our house these days.

This morning as I was amused by the fact that the two smallest people in the house take up most of our big bed and push mommy and daddy to the edges of the bed, I also started to tear up. I guess it is because I read my friend's blog about missing his son. After reading his gut wrenching words I was thankful for all the days that Kenzie and Jaris are both crying at the top of their lungs at the same time. I was thankful for the 2 am, 4 am, and 5 am wake up call. Better the wake up call and the lack of sleep than the deafening silence of one who used to be there, yet no longer is.

It is strange and yet also part of the mystery of life how one moment I am so tired and wanting to complain, and in the next moment humbled and realize how blessed I am to get the privilege of being sleep deprived, and getting to holding my babies and tell them I love them as they cry, sometimes both at the same time. I would way rather feel inadequate when they are both crying, and be completely exhausted, yet know they both are safe in our home and in our arms than face a day of silence without them. Perspective - it changes everything!

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