Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Safety Gear For a Reason

So imagine you are driving home from visiting your mom with your babies and you get a phone call from your sister-in-law and all you hear is "Your husband is okay - "and then your cell goes out of reception. That was me this evening. I was driving home from visiting my mom and sister for the day when my sister in law called me. Luckily I was able to get back into cell reception quick enough and my sister in law was able to tell me that Jeral was okay, however a deer jumped out in front of him while he was riding his motor bike and Jeral hit the deer. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance just to be sure. When I got there I walked into the "room "to see him laying flat out with a neck brace on. Not a sight any wife desires to see I think. We are glad that there are no broken bones, just lots of bruising and some road rash/burn. I am so happy that Jeral wears all the protective gear when he is riding otherwise his injuries would be much worse.

I think it is every wife's worst fear to get a phone call saying your husband has been in an accident, at least for me it is. Jeral is a great on the roads and cautious and yet at times things happen that are out of one's control. I am just glad that he is alive, and it goes to show that all the safety gear is for a reason. I used to be annoyed that he made me wear all that stuff, until today. He will never ever have to ask or tell me to wear all the gear no matter how hot it is.

Well with this update I am praying both babies sleep through the night so I can sleep and be up and at it tomorrow to take care of them and my hubby! Oiy!


Ashlea said...

That's scary Leanne! I'm so glad that Jeral is okay.

Caroline said...

oh my goodness Leanne! So glad to hear that he is ok!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Wow! Glad he's okay. Thinking of you and sending you a hug. I enjoyed or quick visit.

Kelsie-Lynn said...

That is terrifying. So glad Jeral was okay.

Janelle said...

oh my goodness!!!
that IS my worst nightmare!!!
and i'm so glad he's smart enough to wear all of his stuff!! he has alot to come home too! :)
love you!