Life keeps moving. This is something I am really aware of these days. I wanted to slow life down and maybe even stop time for a few days. Yet life went on, and life does need to go on as it is really the only way to move through loss and grief. Yet if I am honest I still do have moments when I wish life stood still.
We bit the bullet and bought a new bedroom set for our master room. We have a mismatch of things both of us had from before we got married and since a great sale came up we decided to buy a new bedroom set. We have to wait until the end of the month for it to be delivered. I guess good things come to those who wait.
We have also changed Kenzie's room around a bit. The futon is up in her room and made into a bed. However my hope was that when she woke up crying in the middle of the night we could just snuggle in her room, and well she still settles way faster when I bring her into our room and our bed. Maybe there is just that added security of being safely snuggled between mommy and daddy. So in our bed our kids will come! Plus the reality is I really do not mind.
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