Jeral was able to suck out my engagement ring from the plumbing! My creative husband used our shop vacuum to suck all the water and other stuff in the toilet out and miracle of miracles my engagement ring was in all that yuck! So there will be no new ring shopping in our future and that is fine by me. Reality is as I said in the last post my kiddos and Jeral are more important than anything I own or possess.
In other news Kenzie is talking up a storm in 4-6 word sentences! It is so adorable and i know as her mama I understand more than others yet I love hearing her express herself. This afternoon I was on the phone with my sister and Kenzie clearly said "Mommy, I want to talk." So I let her talk, and she even said hi to her cousin Tyson, whom she calls Tysie!
Jaris is talking a little more these days, however we have implemented a new rule in our home. No soothers except for naps and bed time. I really want him to go without the soother so he will talk more! It is hard to believe that in March he is going to be 2 years old. He is already as tall as most 3 year olds, yet my little boy is just turning 2! It looks as though he is over the flu which makes me a happy mama!
All in all I am doing pretty well these days other than being tired. Most days by lunch I am ready for a nap, yet due to my lovely daughter not napping I do not get that luxury, and then by the time bed time come my second wind is in full swing! Oh well! Last night was the first time we got to hear our baby's heart beat here at home. When I was pregnant with Jaris we bought a Doppler just so we could listen to his amazing little heart beat. Then my sister had it and I really did not think I would ever ask for it back because I was expecting again, yet here I am and at 11 weeks and 3 days we got to listen at home to our little ones heart beating and I am falling in love all over again. In the beginning of this pregnancy I was scared to start thinking about this child and his or her future simply because of the two miscarriages we have walked through since having Jaris. Yet now we are in full swing of thinking and dreaming about the future with 3 children, and how our life will hopefully look. Funny thing is Jeral wants this one to be a surprise (oiy, me and surprises!). We will see what happens in April at the ultrasound. I could give a million reasons as to why we should find out, yet in the end the awe and wonder of not knowing and Jeral's desire to be surprised may win out! All that I truly dream and hope for is a healthy child, boy or girl! Anyways I am off to bed and to listen to our little miracles heart beating again! Gotta love modern technology!!!!! By the time my kids are having babes of their own they will probably have there own portable ultrasound machines! Now that would be cool!!!!!!!
Yeah for finding the ring
So glad you got your ring back! That must have been pretty gross going through everything to find it? Haha but good end result!
Ah, I feel your exhaustion! Anika has stopped napping but I make her stay in her room and rest for one hour. I need a bit of rest; and I'm not even pregnant!
Ooh, I love the surprise of not knowing! And bonus; You'll have most things for either a boy or a girl! Very cool that you can hear baby's heartbeat.
Okay I'm done with all my disjointed comments.
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