On Monday of this week I originally thought the week was going to look very different than how the week turned out. On Tuesday morning Jaris got the flu yet again, and he is still as of today Friday feeling sick. My heart aches for my little boy who normally loves to play with his toys and enjoys his space. For the past 4 days all he has wanted to do was be held by me, and I will admit that I am secretly enjoy all the snuggle time with him as Jaris tend to be a daddy's boy most days! Kenzie on the other hand is not so fond of mommy spending most of the day snuggling with Jaris. Well let me correct that she has moments when I know she wants me all to herself and then other moments when she is very happy because she knows she can get away with whatever she wants because I am busy cuddling Jaris. Needless to say my patience at moments is rather thin these days. I was talking with Jeral at supper while holding Kenzie on my lap and I told him while this week has been exhausting it is wearing on me because I am pregnant and hormonal. Honestly I am not sure how I would have handled this week if it were not for God and Jeral coming home from the farm lots to help out with a rather lively Kenzie. I am so blessed to have Jeral be able to be home as much as he has been this past week.
I had a prenatal appointment this week and we were able to hear the baby's heart beat in the office so that means the weekly ultrasounds are stopping and while I am sad to not see my little one every week, I am very happy that everything is looking good so far. I am not feeling that sick anymore which is nice. Some days I forget that I am pregnant because I do not feel that sick, and then the tears start streaming and I know yep I am hormonal and overly emotional, thus I am pregnant. I will admit I was not prepared for the emotional on slaught this pregnancy would bring with it, and yet I trust that God is going to use this heightened emotional space I am in to bring greater healing into my life and for that I am thankful.
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