Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, January 27, 2012

Krahn Baby #3

Baby Krahn #3. I will admit I am enjoying seeing our little future baby Krahn every week! I know he or she is still very tiny and some of you may not even know what you are looking at, however I know and I am getting more excited for this little one with each passing week.

I was at a friends for a kiddlet play date this week and we were talking about how when we are excited and happy about the blessings in our lives we just want to talk about those things all the time. Yet we also find it hard because we know we have friends who are grieving and we want to be sensitive to their pain. I remember, I was once there. I remember a time that a dear friend was not sure how to tell me that another friend of ours was pregnant so she blurted it out in front of a member of her husbands youth group. All I wanted to do in that moment was cry yet there was no way I was going to do that in front of this teenager. Now let me preface, my tears were about my pain and how the journey we were on at the time was felt never ending. I was happy for my friend, I just was hurting because I wanted children so badly. I was so emotionally raw at that point that I emailed my then therapist because I did not know what else to do. She reminded me to fall into the arms of my Heavenly Father and let him hold me in my pain. Oh how I miss her wisdom many days! :)

All of that to say that I want to share my excitement about this little one growing inside of me, and whole I am very excited for us I also will continue to hold in prayer my friends who are hurting due to a long fertility journey that so far the outcome has not been what was desired! I think that is where I will end for tonight as I hear Kenzie is out of bed yet again.


Trev and Rebekah said...

What a precious sight to see! So happy for you my friend. I love you!

Caroline said...

I'm so happy and excited for you Leanne. Praying for you and Baby Krahn #3 ;0)