Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, June 14, 2010

Kenzie is doing new things all the time and she is growing more and more all the time. I feel as though I turn around or I blink and she is doing some thing new. Sitting up mostly on her own is the new thing. She still is not able to sit up by herself however if Jeral or I place her on the ground she will sit on her own. My little girl is growing up way to quickly!

Jar-bear sleeping away and touching his tummy. He is a big boy my son, and his muscles have just not caught up to his size yet. However with that being said next week at his dr. appointment I am going to as to go to a pediatrician so we can run some tests on his muscle strength
h. It is most likely nothing, however I would rather check it our now to be safe.

Some friends from my camp days were over today and this was to cute to pass up. My friends little girl is a month younger than Kenzie and here Jaris is looking the same size! I am excited that my kids and her kids get to grow up together!

Jaris in the jumperoo. I am hoping that his head control and muscle control will be helped my being in here from time to time!

Other than my beautiful kids, nothing much is going on these days. I am pretty much exhausted every day. Some days just getting out of bed takes more energy than I think I have. Truth be told I am more tired now that I was a month ago so when the kids see the dr. so I am just to make sure that my iron levels have not dropped again. Yet I also know that this phase of life will pass, and one day my beautiful babies will sleep through the night (Jaris, Kenzie does for the most part), then before i know it they will be in school. Oiy - good thing that is a long way off.

Well that is all for now!


Caroline said...

Yes, time does fly!
Cute pictures. I like the pillow Jaris is laying on. Did Jaris pick it up on Friday?

Caroline said...

oops, I mean, did Jeral pick it up on Friday?

Miranda said...

I like Jaris' outfit in his sleeping pic...somebody pretty awesome must have gotten that for him! ;)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Checking out your iron and hormone levels is a good thing. Wow, Kenzie is growing up fast!

Renee said...

i'm gld tghey get to grow up together too!