children make you think. No matter what age they are they make you think, and rethink, and rethink some more. Once again tonight I was cuddling Kenzie like normal. She had a rough time going down for the night. She would be asleep and then within 2 minutes of me putting her down in her crib she would be crying - no screaming, so I would go in and pick her up to cuddle. AS I was rocking her I told her that she was never alone. That even if mommy was not there holding her that she had Jesus there to hold her and snuggle. I told her that Jesus would never leave her side and that Jesus would always keep her safe. Well as those last words came out of my mouth I realized that once again I had told Kenzie the Sunday School answer.
In Sunday School I remember being taught that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. Okay that is Biblical, so then where did we get this idea that it also meant that Jesus would keep us safe? Seriously I remember being told that when we were afraid we needed to remember that Jesus is always with us and that he will keep us safe, so we don't need to be afraid of the dark. That is not Biblical. Yes Jesus is with us and yes for the most part we really do not need to be afraid of the dark when we are going to bed for the night. The truth is that the unfortunate reality is life happens, people get to make choices, and sometimes we are not kept safe the the harmful physical, emotional, and mental effects, or aftermath of those choices. I remember asking "Jesus in to my heart" so he would keep me safe and when that did not happen, wow disillusionment. How does a child understand that what the Sunday School answer has taught them is not really the truth. I know that comes later in life, and that going through disillusionment will help my children form their own faith, and trust in God, and not just spew out what mommy and daddy have taught them all their lives. To me when God said that he would never leave us or forsake us that means that He will always be by our sides. That He will not leave when we are making unwise choices. That He will not abandon us when others force their unwise choices on us. And that no matter what we do or is done to us God's love for us will never ever change. It will not diminish, and we cannot earn extra brownie points. So how do I now go about teaching this to my babes. I guess I have some time - and with that Kenzie is crying again. I have a feeling I am in for a long night!