Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just Cause

Jaris in his Tigger out fit. Hmm - maybe we will take them out for Halloween after all.

Kenzie saying with her actions mommy put the camera down and give me a great big kiss!

The matching twins who are not twins! Seriously I have cute kids, and I am so blessed!

Just cause I am able to I did! I finally after 6 months bought matching sleepers and dressed the kids up in them. Normally I am not about dressing the kids like they are twin, simply because they are not twin and yet some days it is to hard to resist. I have the cutest kids.

After the kids took their naps we got in the van and went to Margert Falls for a bit and then we went out for dinner and both Kenzie and Jaris sat in high chairs at the restaurant. We were not sure how Jaris was going to do however he just showed us that he is getting stronger and stronger all the time. They both did great. Kenzie was yammering away at anyone who would pay attention to her. At one point a complete stranger came over to sit with us just because she could not get enough of Kenzie's smiles and jabber talk. Kenzie has this way about her. She draws people in with her personality, and her amazing smile. We are careful to not only give her praise just when she is smiling and being all cute and goof bally. We make sure that in her melt down moments we hold her and tell her that we love her even then. The reality is that we do not love our children for what they do, we love them simply because they exist, and for that we are grateful every day.


Rena said...

TOO cute :)

Daphne said...

Your children are so adorable, Leanne! And I have to say that taking them out at Halloween at this age has great benefits. Everyone thinks their cute so you get lots of smiles from people and then guess who gets to cash in on the treats when it's all done? That's right - mama and papa! Because we wouldn't want to feed those babies sugar but we also wouldn't want all that candy to go to waste, would we?? :-)

Trev and Rebekah said...

It will be interesting to see how God uses her smile and personality to draw people to herself and to Him in the future.

Naomi said...

The kids look absolutely adorable, I enjoyed reading a bunch of your old post and getting caught up. Your family continues to be in our prayers and we look forward to hearing about all the exciting things your cuties do!

Shawna said...

Love the matching outfits! I have always loved dressing my kids the same, it just looks so darn cute! I try not to do it too often though because I don't want them to get tired of it yet, lol. So far they still think it's neat :)Hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend!!