Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nothing Much Just a Late Night Blog Entry!

It's getting late and I should be in bed. Actually I was in bed already and then thought I heard Jaris so I got up, to check and he was fast asleep. Jeral and Kenzie are fast asleep in our bed. Yep Kenzie is sleeping with us these days. She has been waking up many times through out the night screaming. Not just waking up and fussing, she goes from fast asleep to standing and yelling at the top of her lungs in 5 seconds flat. We think she is have night terrors. Poor little girl, she seems to young to be having night terrors. The only thing that seems to work is keeping her in bed with us. The above picture is how our bed looks most mornings, and trust me i am not complaining. I actually love having us all in one room the only thing I would change is having a bigger bed, or maybe two queens side by side! Wishful thinking I know! Oh well.
We have physio for Jaris this week and he is doing so good. I am one proud mama. He was rolling for them and grabbing at toys, and giving huge smiles. Seriously the high for the week was watching him show off, and then when he was tired he was done and only wanted mama snuggles. Gotta love that.
Both Kenzie and Jaris had their checkups this last week. Jaris is a good 22 lbs and Kenzie is 21lbs. Kenzie being this big surprised me as I have been worried that she was not getting enough to eat. Well I was wrong! I am so thankful that both Kenzie and Jaris are doing so well. Kenzie is still motoring along at lightening speed and Jaris is marching to the beat of his own drum (hmmm, wonder where he gets that from?!?!?!?!). All in all life is pretty great, not always easy and yet it is good.

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad the kids are doing well. Sucks about the night terrors though. It's hard seeing your kids struggle at night.
Love you and let's chat this week