Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Why is it that almost all of life feels like a continuous wait? As children we can't wait to go to school (okay I was one of those who loved school), however as school goes on we cannot wait for summer break to come. Then as we get older we cannot wait to graduate and get out of wherever we are and go off to a job, or college. Just something new! Then we wait for the day we meet the one we will fall in love with. Then we wait and look forward to the day we marry that person. The you wait to start a family until the time and is right, and even after you think the time is right you may still have to wait. Then for us we choose to start the adoption process and that was all on big wait and still is, and even getting pregnant is waiting because you wait 40 weeks for the little one to grow inside of you before you meet him or her. Life today feels like on big WAIT. So wait I will and in the mean time I will try to live life instead of just sitting around waiting!


Anonymous said...

Great post Leanne! I loved your last line about trying to live life instead of waiting...It's so easy to waste your life waiting for things. When I get excited for another stage Anika will hit (first skating lessons, picnics, or even being a big sister- that's not a hint, I'm not pregnant haha) I sometimes find it hard to enjoy the stage she is at RIGHT NOW and our family as it is RIGHT NOW. Thanks for the reminder!


Trev and Rebekah said...

Waiting is so hard. Thinking of you