Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Week 9

So I am now a little over 9 weeks along! Yeah for that. I had my blood work done last week! They took 8 viles of blood! Oiy! However I was promised that next time it would be less. My Dr. is just trying to stay on top of things and make sure that certain complications due to my having PCOS do not happen!

Tomorrow morning bright and early I have an appointment with the local Diabetes Center. It is not normal to send a woman there unless she already has gestational diabetes, however as I said before my Dr. is trying to stay on top of things and prevent things from happening that could happen. My appointment is super early in the morning, and well I have not been up all that early lately so tomorrow could be trying for me. I might have Jeral drive me we will see!

Jeral and I are looking forward to this next month being a lot slower. August was crazy, and we really have not had time to just let all that has happened sink in. I am looking forward to having sometime to just relax and journal more intentionally, about life, about being pregnant, and about learning to trust in every sense of the word. First though I will rest up as I am really tired a lot these days. I seriously do not remember being this tired ever! Even after my surgery last year. Crazy that was a year ago, and the end result is that I am pregnant, and so very tired a year later! I love the way things work out.

Sunday went really, really well. I was speaking at my church. I had a garbage pail handy just in case baby really decided to give mommy a run for her money, however I was fine. I ended up chewing gum, which I know is not proper public speaking manners, however a lady has got to do what a lady has got to do. I felt very blessed afterwards. I still have much to work through with Jesus in this area especially of feelings of being unworthy due to things that happened 4 years ago in our church. However God is gracious and bringing me through and reminding me that ultimately man's opinion is not the opinion that matters. The opinion that matters is God's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that church went well and that the baby didn't kick your nauseous button too hard while you were speaking.
I read that you are going to be journalling again once you feel up to it, and I just wanted to give you an idea- write journal entries to your baby! You may have already thought of this, but I did this for Anika (maybe 3 whole times when I felt like it...) and I'm really glad I did! I put one entry into her baby book. Just thought I'd pass that along in case you hadn't thought of it!
I'm still praying for you!