Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, September 7, 2009


I have been pondering why I have such a hard time letting go of things. I am the type of person who will hold onto to something for dear life, even when I know letting go is what I need to do. I even will delude myself into thinking that I have control over something that I really do not have any control over at all.

Often we are told to give it to God; give our worries, frustrations, fears, hopes, dreams, desires etc., to God. Yet it is so hard to do this especially with those hopes and dreams I feel are centre of my heart. In a moment of honesty here I used to be afraid to pray and ask God to grant me my deepest desires, because I would wondering if there was something deeper that God could see than my desire to be a mom. And if that was the case then the desire to be a mom would maybe not be granted so a deeper yet unknown desire would be what God fulfilled. Crazy I know, and yet that is how I would often think. Good thing God knows I think that way, and sees right to the heart of my fears. Yet I am left with the question as to how do I actually let go and give to God what is actually already his.

I have come to realize that I often go to God with what ever it is I want to had over, and well the way I had it over is like this. Say a ball of yarn represents what I am asking God to take, or what I am giving to God. So once I have given God that ball of yarn I walk away thinking yes, I gave this over to God. However if you were to look in my hand as I walk away I still have the end of the yarn in my hand, and the ball of yarn is slowly unraveling as I walk away from God. I have not been able to fully let go. That is the problem for me. I give God what ever is on my mind/heart (in the Bible the heart and mind are linked, not separated), and yet I walk away so quickly that I am still holding on to a part of it.

Here is the big problem with this. When I keep walking away with the ends of the yarns eventually they all get tangled and a big mess is made. The solution - still talking with God about this, however I believe the solution is to give God the ball of yarn, and then stay and sit in the presence of my Heavenly Father, so that as I spend more time with Him, getting to know him on and ever deeper level, I will be able to not just hand over the ball of yarn. I will also be able to hand over the end I am clinging to. Not sure if this makes sense to you. Just the ramblings, and ponderings of a women on and journey with God!


Jen Glen said...

I like the solution a lot. Not just giving him the yarn and walking away, making sure we aren't holding onto to any of it, but STAYING beside Him. NOT walking away at all. I will have to ponder that some more b/c I really like it. I'm wondering though, now that you are closer to having one of your deepest desires come true, what you are still feeling like you have to hand over to God?

Janelle said...

ugh. i feel that way too...so tough. i have no idea why after all that has happened, i still can't give things up.
and like Jen's question - i think once you "get" something that you've been desiring for, there's ALWAYS something else that takes it's place. there is always something NEW to desire, and aim for & WANT.
i wish i could just be satisfied, but i don't think that's human nature. i'm always wanting - sometimes for really crazy things.
when it comes to the baby part of it...i will never take Kamryn for granted, and i will never deny the miracle that happened in my body. but does it make the fact that i don't have babe #2 any easier? nope, not really. maybe that's selfish. i don't know.
but i do know that there will ALWAYS be something that i'm struggling with handing over to God. that's a constant.