Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, April 10, 2010

2 Weeks Old

Our miracle kids! MacKenzie sure loves smiling, however she is not sure about sharing her play mat with her brother. So good thing we have another mat for Jaris for tummy time!

Sitting in the bumbo Auntie Karen lent us! MJ likes to sit and stand and watch TV. She does not understand what is happening however Jeral and I have decided since we do not really know how much her little brain in taking in we have to be very careful with what we are watching with her. Baby Praise is good - Criminal Minds not so good.

First time in an outfit other than sleepers! I think he looks pretty dang cute!

Wow my little boy is two weeks old today! Right now he is having tummy time on a mat I can see, and he is out like a light, and MacKenzie is taking a nap in the playpen just around the corner. So I have some time to write another post with some pictures.

Jaris is a loud sleeper. So loud that I have trouble sleeping (daddy does not, however he sleeps through almost anything), and MacKenzie starts to stir and wake when Jaris is grunting and snoring! So for the past two night I have snuggled with Jaris on the double bed in the nursery so MacKenzie and Jeral can sleep. Tonight we are going to try putting Jaris in the playpen bassinet and turn the music on beside him so that his sounds are covered up and his sister can sleep, and I can snuggle with Jeral. Once we have all the clothes sorted out and put away and the nursery a little tidier than I think we may move MacKenzie into the nursery so she at least can get a good sleep at night! Needless to say mommy is not getting a lot of sleep, however these day shall pass and sleep at some point in the future will be a part of life again. I guess I also have to say Jeral can do the dishes and stuff like that if we need them done and I need to sleep when the kids are napping. House work who needs to do house work!

So with that being said I need to go take a nap!


Rena said...

How amazing they are! Can't wait to see in person...

Jen Glen said...

Amen! Housework can wait! Sleep...it definitely cannot. Good job on taking it easy!