Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Husband

Okay so I am in the gushing mood yet again. I know that I may not have the perfect marriage. Who does? However I am blessed. So a few days ago my God daughters bought me the Willow Tree Nativity Set and the other sets that go with it. The only thing missing was the Creche that goes with it. I had already decided that I would wait until next year and add to the set with the final few pieces. Well my dear and wonderful husband bought me the Creche today. We were in Kelowna shopping with our niece's and while we split up he went and bought it for me. He was so cute when we got home. He made me go to our room so he could set it up, however I did not know that is what he was doing. So he came to our room and asked me to close my eyes and come downstairs with him. When I got downstairs everything was set up perfectly. I am a blessed woman, and a blessed wife.

Funny as I am typing this out, I realized that Jesus knew how much my heart needed a pick up today. I spent the morning sitting in the back pew at church crying. I am really struggling with watching so many women around me become pregnant. I am also struggling with are we taking our desire out of Jesus' hand if we pursue adoption, or if we pursue other fertility treatments. This is the journey we are walking right now. I know that Jesus will guide us, and I also know that Jesus will love me no less if I fight with him to take control of this myself. Even though I know that I really never will have the control. So today wow, Jesus blessed me, and I will be grateful for the blessing!


I'm Dominique said...

sometimes I see all these super cute prego women and wish that I was one of them (even though we're not ready for kids yet). I wish that I could have a cute baby belly and walk around and have all my friends and family excited for us and want to touch my stomach and give me ideas for names. But then I think when I'm prego I want it to be a uniquely beautiful time.Not a time that's about the 100 other women who are also prego but a time for me, Joel, Jesus and our baby. It's not your time right now which I know hurts, but the time for you, Jeral, Jesus and your baby will come and it will be such a uniquely beautiful time. And until that time comes Jesus will continually love you through Jeral and your God daughters, and I'm sure there's a lot of pregnant women out there who don't have a Jeral and 2 beautiful girls to remind them of how special and loved they are. I hope you feel encouraged because I love you and think you're pretty wonderful and am praying for the day that I can celebrate your exciting news.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I have a great book that was recommended to me. I will recommend it to you next time we chat.

Janelle said...

i love you.

Bunny said...

I am so sorry that you are struggling. I have been, and am in the same position, many times. I think that no matter what we decide to do, that if we ask God to be in control of "whichever" way we want to go, then God will bless us in this infertility journey. I am so excited about the little blessing that God will bring us through adoption. Keep praying and ask God for Guidance. Also, ask Him to close the doors for which you should not go. We really felt called to adopt and really not called to pursue treatment, but that was for us, not you. So, I will be praying for you both as you follow God's heart and will. Hugs and blessings. I wish it could be easier.

Trev and Rebekah said...

That's fine. Thanks for doing that. I think they are in Calgary. The blanket should be okay outside. Not sure when they'll be back. If I have our landlords email I'll ask them to take it in for me.