Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Final Home Study

Well today was the day of our final homestudy. We are excited that this stage of the journey is over. Things went really well. The social worker came and we spent time talking about a few different things, and then we showed her around our home and the farm. In a few weeks we will get to see the draft of her report and then once we approve the report we will go into Kelowna to sign it and then hopefully all will be official and we will be in the books officially (I say officially because we sort of are already in the books unofficially).

I must admit that it is weird knowing that this phase of the journey is over. I was finally getting used to the idea of someone coming into our lives and asking us all sorts of questions. I actually really like our social worker. We also feel very blessed by her support and encouragement. She was saying today that she just turned down doing a home study because she is so busy with her private practice. So both Jeral and I are thanking God that she decided to do our home study because we know that God provided the right social worker for us.


Leanne said...

Congratulations!! Must feel good to have reached this milestone!

Bunny said...

We are so excited for you. Congratulations on finished the last home study. Hopefully you will have a little one before your next home study. Blessings and hugs.
