Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Still Trusting

Wow so this journey towards becoming parents has had many twists and turns for Jeral and I. We are having to learn to trust and learn to be patient. We had been told about a little baby girl who needed a family. She would be special needs, as she has had a tracheotomy. I have training in this area because of my amazing nephew who has had a tracheotomy. Anyways we decided to turn over some rocks and find out if she really was up for adoption, and if it would be possible for us to adopt her. We knew that the journey would be a long one and have many twist and turns that would not be easy, and yet we both came to a place of saying yes we can love this little girl.

Well we finally got some answers today, and due to her being aboriginal it looks like things are coming to a grinding halt. I think I may feel differently if I knew that there was a family lined up to take her. However I was told that it will take a year before the Aboriginal Children and Family Services makes an adoption plan for her, and there are some many politics behind Caucasian couples trying to adopt an aboriginal baby. So just as in one brief conversation we almost have a daughter, in another brief conversation she is taken away. What hurts the most is knowing that she doesn't have parents to hold her and love her. The extent of her love is given by nurses at a hospital. Not that the nurses don't care, it just that is their job.

So in all of this we are still trying to trust God. Trust that all these little ups and downs are for a reason, and that they will only make us stronger. Trust this little baby girl to God and God's love for her. Trust that one day we will have our baby in our arms and in our home.

Well I am sufficiently teared up, so I had better go wash my face and curl up in the arms of GOD for a bit before making supper!


Jen Glen said...

I'm so sorry, Leanne. Waiting on God is indeed one of the hardest things to do at times. I'm just trying to cling to the fact that He does know best! Praying peace for you.

Anonymous said...

oh leanne, you brought tears to my eyes for that sweet little girl! you are going to make the most wonderful mom to a very special child!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I LOVE the back drop!

Jamie said...

Hi Leanne - I just spent some time reading through the journey that you and your husband are on as you seek to start a family. What a roller-coaster! But I'm encouraged by your faith and focus on Jesus despite it all. I pray God's blessing on you both.