Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby Stuff

So this is the playpen that Jeral and I have been looking at buying so imagine our delight when we took a look at the airmiles rewards site tonight and found that in the past four weeks they have added this as something we could get with our airmiles! So we ordered it tonight!

The plan is that for the first few months our little one will sleep in the playpen in our room.

So this is the change table that matches the crib. We ordered it with our airmiles once again 3 and a half weeks ago. So far it still has not been shipped to us. If it is not here in the next few days we will be emailing to find out what is going on!

And this is the lovely crib that we ordered and it is sitting in our exercise room waiting for us to get the nursery done so we can put it up!

Sorry guys that for the most part my blogging pertains to our little "Joy Bug", however he or she is a huge part of our journey and lives right now!


Leanne said...

Cute stuff!... is your crib one of those ones that converts into a toddler bed and then a double bed? And... it is totally fine that your blog is all about baby... I love that you are including everyone on your journey!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful furniture Leanne! And I love hearing your plans for the baby's room and everything pregnancy related so don't apologize!!!

Miranda said...

I love your furniture! One day I want to get a crib that converts into a bed thing too! I think that they are great! And I am liking the looks of that playpen! Did you say you got them through airmiles?

On another note, I love to see that little baby ticker at the top of your blog! I love countdowns!! :)

Love you friend!! Hope to chat soon!