Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


As I sit here today I am thinking about my grandpa. Tomorrow is his memorial, so we will be leaving here in early in the morning to get there on time.

Just after we got the call saying he had passed away, I sat down and spent some time remembering things about grandpa. You might be surprised to hear that he was the first person that ever taught me it was possible to love someone who was not "biologically" related to you. So in many ways my relationship with grandpa lay the ground work for me to one day be prepared to adopt children of my own. I was my grandpa's grand daughter despite no biological connection. I seriously was his favorite! Anything I wanted I got. I remember once his my cousin Michelle (biological grand-daughter) was coming to visit and grandpa had bought her some gifts. Now first off never show a 4 year old what you have bought another grandchild, however for some reason grandpa did show me, and I said I liked it and wanted it, so I got! Grandpa went out and bought other stuff for Michelle.

Anyways tomorrow will be a hard day emotionally. I am very hormonal on top of that, so bring on the Kleenex box. Last as Jeral and I lay in bed we were talking about which had happened more since we got married weddings, or funerals? The count for weddings we have have attended since we got married is 3, the deaths/funerals is 8 and of those 8 deaths 6 have been in the last year, and in the past 3 months we have had 4 loved ones pass away. So much death, too much death. Yet we have the amazing hope of eternal life after we are done in this world, thanks to Jesus! On the upside now I have all of my grandparents up there telling Jesus to make sure my baby stays safely inside until April when he or she is born!!!!!!!

Well I have stuff to do yet today! So bye for now!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

hugs!!!! See you on the 20th or 21st?
thinking of you