Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Best Gifts!

Okay so teo posts in one day I must be on a roll or else I have a lot of time on my hands right now. I think it is both actually. So I just finished cleaning out the pantry! Yeah for that, well I still have to sweep and wipe things down however that is the easy part now. However is it not my favorite part.

Anyways I was spending some quiet time with Jesus this morning in my room and I spent some time with Jesus discussing gifts! Not spiritual gifts, as important as they are Jesus and I were talking about the kind of gifts you give to people. God's word does say that every good and perfect gift comes from God. So why is that at times we do not always think that gifts (aka circumstances in our lives) are good and perfect. As I pondered this several things were pointed out to me.

First because we as humans cannot see the big picture we don't always see that the current circumstances in our lives are the best possible for us. I am not saying this from a postion of oh my life is great and I have everything I want. Don't get me wrong I have a great life. Nothing really to complain about or want for. Except for one thing. Jeral and I want a child, and we have been trying to get pregnant, however I have fertility issues and at this time getting pregnant does not seem to be an option. So my question is how can this be the best possible gift from God at the moment, the gift of barren womb? Especially when I want another gift so badly.

Secondly the lack of a gift may actually be a greater gift than I could have ever imagined. As much as I desire to be a mother I desire to be a healthy mother. One who has come to a place of acceptance who I am and to love myself as my heavenly DADA loves me. This is a gift I would like to be able to pass onto my children. A mother who is okay with who she is and can accept herself and not spend so much time occupied with what others think of her. So then in essence the lack of the ability at this time to have children is really a gift, because I have the gift of more time to have an amazing woman journey with me on my journey towards healing and wholeness. If you would have asked me eight months ago, or even a two months ago I would have not been able to have seen my barreness as a gift. My heart still aches a bit everytime I do say or write this, and yet I know it is true. For right now in this moment the best gift that Jesus can gift me is the gift of JOY! And in return I can give God the gift of time. Time to allow my Heavenly DADA to healing my heart so in the future I can be the best mother He desires and created me to be.

Thirdly, I am confident that the gift of barreness is only for a time. It is the best gift I could have for now. In the Bible there are countless stories of women who were barren and then God opened up their wombs when the time was right. Call it God birth control if you would like! I am trusting that one day I will get to tell my family, and friends God has given Jeral and i the gift of parenthood. In the mean time I will trust God to give me the strength I need to trust that my barreness is the best gift I could have for now.

For those who may read this I would ask that you pray for Jeral and I. Handing over the desire to be parents and trust God is hard and yet we know it will be rewarding in the end!

Blessings, Leanne


Janelle said...

oh leanne. i'm right with you my dear. we struggled for a LONG time to concieve Kamryn - and now are going on a year and a half with fertility drugs trying for a 2nd baby. i know the pain of being "barren"...i know the ache when others announce they are expecting...i know the doubt that you feel about yourself as a woman/wife...i know the question of why God would let this happen and did you do something WRONG...i've been there.
but i also know the joy of God HEALING the barreness. and what an amazing miracle that can be!! i know it doesn't happen for everyone...but God brings healing in different ways for different people.
the 2 1/2 years we tried for Kamryn, i KNOW that was GOD birth control. He always knows better than we do. and He knew that Rod & I needed to figure some stuff out, and that we needed to learn to look upward in need. I learned a whole lot about trust...and the power of prayer...and God's FAITHFULNESS!
but you will be in my prayers...and i'm always here if you need to chat about it. it's so awesome to read your thoughts on this blog and see the incredible woman of God you have become. sure wish we could go out for coffee! :)
HUGS!!! - Janelle
p.s. do you have access to my blog? i write about my journey on there sometimes...and you can tell through alot of my posts how i'm feeling about this issue from time to time!! :) if you DON'T have access...e-mail me your blogger e-mail address to rjloewen@sasktel.net

Kelsie-Lynn said...

Hi Leanne,
I will be praying. I don't really have any wise words but I am going to remember to pray. Thanks for the honesty that your write with.

Bekah said...

Hello my dear friend. I had hoped to see you when we were up but it didn't happen...sorry. I'm in prayer for you, and am glad you are staying close to your DADA.