Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fender Bender!

SO I had my first fender bender today. Oiy! I was not sure what to do. I was backing out of my parking spot, one second there was no one behind me and then the next minute there was someone there and bump! The damgage was really minor. My husband Jeral could fix both cars really easily and actually you cannot even tell our car has any damage unless you are looking for it and you face is really close to the car. And the damage to the other car was really minimal. I understand her wanting my information and so on. I however don't think that we needed to go to the insurance company. Anyways we will most likely just pay out of pocket. I did take pictures before I left just to make sure there was photo documentation.

I was a little shaken, and yet thankful that it was not worse. I did dread having to tell Jeral, and yet not as much as the time I had to tell him I got a $368 speeding ticket. His response was accidents happen, and you are okay so that is all that matters. I seriously have an amazing and understand husband. Here I was prepared for him to get upset with me and maybe even yell at me for the first time ever and instead he calmly just asks for a cookie and he hugs me! I know that I was definately projecting the wounding I have from my father onto him when I expected him to yell at me. I have come a long way in my healing journey and I still have a long way to go. Funny how sometimes the smallest thing will remind us of that.

Well now I am off to bake banana bread and oatmael chocolate chip cookies for my hubby! Have a gooder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe just consider it one expensive cookie that you gave him..