Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rough Time

Just having a rough time. Both Jeral and I are struggling with the whole adoption process that we are embarking on. Things just seem to to be moving so slowly right now. We had hoped that the home study would be underway this week and yet we still have not heard from the agency. I guess I am going to have to learn patience.

For my birthday my sister - in - law got me the word patience and it is on our mantle as a reminder to me that I need more patience in my life. I just feel that 26 months is patient enough, and yet I know we have longer to wait. My heart breaks knowing the Jeral's heart is breaking to hold our child in his arms. So yeah rough go of it right now.

Yet I am so grateful for an amazing husband, who never makes me feel less for being unable to get pregnant. Jeral truly is the best part of my life, and my best friend! I love him more than I will ever be able to say.

We are getting away next week together. I have my sessions at the coast and Jeral is coming with me so we can spend some time together away from the farm by ourselves.


Bunny said...

Hugs!!! I hope you have a great time together. Blessings.

Malory said...

Hey Leanne, I'll keep praying for you! Maybe God is making you wait becuase the perfect child he has for you hasn't been born yet! I always try to think like that, it sometimes makes being patient a bit easier!! God Bless you
Love Mal

Jen Glen said...

Thinking of you and will lift you up in prayer when I do! Patience must be the hardest virtue in the world to learn and acquire! Only through His strength can we do it! Keep pressing on! The Glen one

Janelle said...

i'm sorry i haven't been around lately - and haven't been here to read this!! let's talk k??? i miss you!