her many faces!
So we had Jaris' first birthday part one on Sunday March 27th (his actual birthday), and part two will be April 9th. The reason for two Birthdays is because a good group of our friends and family were going to be gone on his actual birthday. However Auntie Lisa, Jackson, and Jaydn were here so we wanted to celebrate with them.
So Part One
We woke up on Sunday morning and all got ready for church as I was speaking (I am not a fan of calling it preaching as I have an aversion to that word). And Jaris was not feeling good so he ending up coming up with me for the first little while, which I thought was fitting since the last time I was speaking I was 9 weeks pregnant with him, and had a puke bucket with me. This time on his Birthday I had my son in my arms. I will post more about what I shared about in another post. After church we came home, had left over pizza and sandwich's, and put the babes down for a nap. Then Lisa, Jackson, Jaydn, Rachel, and I went to Vernon to get a few things. I had to get a card. Of all the things to forget, I forgot to get my son a card.
When we got home, Rachel, Jaydn, and Lisa decorated the cupcakes for Jaris' party and I got busy wrapping presents and the woke the babes up to get them ready to go over to Uncle Mark and Aunite Jodi's for dinner and the party. And well Jaris was a very happy boy because his first girl friend Jackie was there! she is only almost 19 years older, so sadly he has had to let her go! Waiting for him would mean waiting a long time. However he has vowed to take out any boy, or man that hurts her!!!!! ;0 Seeing that he has such big muscles and so forth! We had a wonderful Greek dinner made affectionately by Auntie Jodi, and then a bunch of us went for a walk which was nice. Afterwards we sang Jaris Happy Birthday, let him (okay mommy) blowout the candle and then he opened up his gifts. He was not to sure about this part. However Auntie Jodi gets and A for the pin wheels after seeing those nothing else mattered! Auntie Lisa got Jaris food - the best way to his heart is food that is for sure! Then is was time to dig into his cupcake, which he acted a little out of character. Normally he would stuff his face, however he cautiously grabbed at the cup cake and ate it in little chunks. He still made a mess, however here is hoping that for part 2 he really goes to town.
After that Jaris was exhausted so daddy to him home and to sleep he went.
So other than that what else has been going on in the Krahn home? Kenzie got a nasty cough and cold and she is teething her eye teeth. Definitely has made for some very loud and interesting nights. Yet I have also enjoyed many snuggles with her which is so nice. I love cuddle times and so does Kenzie as long as it is just me and her, if I pick her brother up and try to snuggle with him too Kenzie has a bit of a rough time with that as sharing is still something that seems to be a concept far away yet. She is also into everything. I thought we had baby proofed the house pretty good, however she gets into places and I shake my head thinking how the heck did she get into there? She is resource full.
Jaris also got the cold, and a nasty one it is at that. We also shipped our birds and it was a night that was particularly difficult to get the kids down and as I was snuggling Kenzie and she was almost asleep I heard Jaris wake up crying and I thought I would leave him until I had Kenzie asleep and then I would go get him. About 5 minutes later I hear a LOUD THUMP and realize it was Jaris he had toppled out of his crib. I went running down the hall with Kenzie in my arms (she woke up at this point), opened his door to find him behind the door screaming and trying to sit up. Thankfully Auntie Jodi was able to come over and snuggle with Kenzie so I could take Jaris to the ER just to get checked out. He was fine, just some bruising on his knees as that is how he landed. I honestly have not been that scared in a while. Note to self Jaris is taller than most kids his age and if there is anything he can climb on he will!!!! So happy he is climbing and moving around, just not a fan of my son toppling out of his crib.
Last week we had my mom out for a few days. I had wanted to clean out the sun room, and reorganize the things we were actually keeping in there, however it is hard to get things done I find with two little ones tugging at my legs. Up until now it has been storage for boxes and things that we were not sure what to do with. It did not take as long as I thought it would. However I also decided that since a lot of it has been in there since we got married and i have not missed it then I did not need it so to the dump it went! So now we need to decide what we are going to do with the sun room. I may move all my painting stuff down into it, not sure yet! All I know is right now I enjoy looking into it from the kitchen and not seeing a pile of boxes and a huge mess.
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