Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, May 13, 2011

More Pictures!

Its a jungle out here! Daddy I think it is time to cut the grass!

Sitting with daddy and getting a head message! Oh yeah, nothing is better than that!

Where did my sister go?

Jaris' foot! My boy has big feet!

Such kissable and squeezeable cheeks my boy!

Licking my snot so yummy! Mommy thinks it is grow though!

Sitting in the stroller waiting for someone to take me out so I can crawl on the grass.

Should I wear it or not?

Just after a laundry basket slide! Daddy can slide me further than mommy!

Hmmm, mommy what is this? Note to self do not leave my bag on the ground.


Chilling in the toy room on a sick day!

So all 4 of us caught the cold. AHHHHHHHHH! Alas that is life, however the thing that made it all better was seeing Jaris take his first unassisted steps yesterday! Yep you read that right Jaris has started to walk! He is still not that steady and crawling is fast however he is braving new territory and walking little bits here and there! When he started walking towards me yesterday it took everything in me not to scream for joy and startle him. I wanted him to keep walking and if I startled him I he was sure to fall down. I get so excited every time he accomplishes a major milestone. With Kenzie it was different she was so fast at meeting her milestones, and while I was excited for her it was almost expected that she would accomplish things when she did. Jaris however despite knowing all the genetic testing came back normal last summer, we still were unsure and had many questions. So every milestone accomplished grants us added room to breathe and puts our minds and hearts at rest! I am so thankful for 2 beautiful, healthy children!

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