Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Finger Painting

A part of my healing journey is painting more. Finger painting to be exact. I had tried to paint something with brushes they other day and did not like how it turned out so I decided to smear over what I had painted originally and finger paint. Man if I would have finger painted like this when I was 4 and 5 I would have been considered an artistic genius. So here are the two most recent finger paintings.

A few months ago I had a vision you could call it, of a butterfly trying to land on a flower and Jesus said, "Not yet, she it to fragile." Last night for the first time I saw a butterfly land on a flower, when I closed my eyes last night to go to sleep I saw a butterfly land. This is my finger painting of it.

There was something else on this canvas originally and I did not like it so I smeared over it and finger painted this, with my left hand to be as child like as possible for me. Talk about hard, a few times I got frustrated and switched to my right hand.

*Butterflies seem to be a theme for me as of late. My sister in law told me something interesting the other day. When a caterpillar goes into a cocoon the caterpillar liquefies. It actually becomes liquid. Then in the darkness the liquid is transformed into something beautiful. In the darkness the foundation is laid. In the struggle a beautiful creation is born. I am pretty much feeling like a caterpillar who has entered into it cocoon these days. I look forward to the day I get to emerge.


Tara said...

I alwasy find the hardest part about waiting on God's ttiming is not the trusting in him part cause I know he's trustworthy, but it's having patience to wait! ahhh!
Our pastor likes to say, "God acts when the bacon is crispy" and that's just a cheesy way of saying God acts, but sometimes he acts at the last minute!
Love you girl

Janelle said...

i love those. they are so honest. i love how your heart shows through on them. keep searching... i love ya.