Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, May 2, 2008

Just for Fun

I saw this on my friends blog and thought it would be fun to actually take the time to sit down and think of some things myself.

I am: at this moment rather tired and yet feeling good after doing yoga.

I think: I need to spend more quality time with God and then my husband.

I know: that the week is going to be a little crazy.

I want: to be pregnant, more than anything I want to be pregnant.

I have: so much to be thankful for already. A beautiful home, a wonderful husband, and a life I never thought I would have.

I wish: I could wake up tomorrow morning and be nine months pregnant.

I miss: Marie and my nephew Josiah terribly. I am excited to see you at home next week Josiah, no more hospital!!!!!!!!!

I fear: sometimes that God is messing with me (I know this is not true and yet I fear it, Jesus and I are working on this right now).

I feel: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. There is no juice left.

I hear: the sounds of my husband on the tractor in the barns cleaning after we shipped one barn load of birds.

I smell: the smell of my shampoo and conditioner in my hair.

I crave: Bag of Miss Vicki's Salt and Malt Vinegar chips!

I search: indefinitely for the answer to why? I doubt I will ever find out though.

I wonder: if I'll ever get to a place of being totally okay, and able to love myself exactly as I am in this moment today.

I regret: that is took so long for me to finally tear down all my walls when I am with Joy (However God knew and I know he is stoked that finally they have come down).

I love: my husband more and more all the time. He truly is amazing, and a gift from God!

I ache: from doing yoga this morning. Seriously yoga is intense.

I care: about all the hurting children in the world, and i wish I could adopt them all. Man Alive I think I would need a bigger house then, however I would build it!

I always: wake up in the middle of the night from being thirsty.

I am not: going to give up and walk away from healing and becoming healthy just because it hurts some days.

I believe: there is much more to every story and journey that God is taking me one. I just cannot see it yet, and I may never fully see it.

I dance: in the kitchen with my husband

I sing: when I am driving in the car and no one else can hear me!

I cry: often these days and ya know what, that is good! Finally the tears are coming.

I don't always: think the best of myself.

I fight: with God on a continual basis because I am a little rebellious, and then in the end I concede.

I write: because writing helps me put into words what I may not otherwise be able to verbalize, and I find it easier.

I win: at cribbage most times I play against my hubby, soon though I think he will catch on and then I am hooped.

I lose: playing pool against my hubby, unless he actually lets me win.

I never: eat fish, yuck! Actually I am allergic so that is my excuse.

I confuse: my husband a lot, and not on purpose most days!;)

I listen: I have a tough time listening

I can usually be found: in my bedroom reading or at the computer.

I am scared of: never measuring up.

I need: to come to a place where I can accept myself exactly as is knowing full well that others may not have a good opinion of me and that is okay.

I am happy about: the fact that my nephew Josiah is coming home this next week after being in BC Children's Hospital for the first year and 3 months of his life. Yeah!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

oh sweetie...i love ya.
and i LOVE that you dance with your hubby in the kitchen!