Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Relaxing Day!

Okay so since we found out about being selected to adopt this amazing little miracle I have been in the mind set that I have to be productive and get everything done - namely so I will not have to ask for as much help until baby #2 comes along. Oiy! So the old Leanne thinking and not the one I have grown into and become. So far I have 20 jars of borscht frozen and ready to go for lunches, and five frozen meals - the ideas was to get at least two weeks of frozen meals ready to go and who knows maybe I will get that done eventually. However today I am having a nice relaxing unproductive day by human standards (by my standards). I am going to sit and read, maybe crochet a little, sleep if I feel like it watch a movie or two, or three (okay maybe that is pushing it), and spending some time hanging out with two little girls. This maybe the last day I get to veg out since the B.M. is due in 11 days. So crazy how fast this has all come about and yet, seriously these past few days have gone by so slowly. Oh well, patience is what I will have to practice.


Trev and Rebekah said...

glad you are relaxing. we watched dreamgirls the other night and I enjoyed that.

Anonymous said...

I always find it so hard to relax, but if I don't force myself I end up burning out! I'm happy to hear you are taking a day off from your preparations; enjoy it!
