Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 22

Well this morning as I was using our doppler to attempt to listen to Jaris' heart beat, he kicked it. Seriously our little boy kicked that part of my tummy and caused the doppler to jumped. It was quite the sight and I was a little startled. Soon and very soon Jeral will get to experience the joys of feeling Jaris kick.

Today Jeral and I took a date day. We went to Kelowna and shopped for clothing for Jeral, got him a few CD's that he wanted, and then we were able to find the perfect locket for the Birth Mom. We also got some bottles, a few receiving blankets, and two soothers. It is weird going from preparing for one baby to preparing for two babies, and yet we love it. I f the birth mom has not gone into Labour by Monday I will go get some fabric and sew some more receiving blankets.

I am still working on saying no and being okay with it. I am not one to enjoy feeling as though I have failed at being "Super Woman," so we were still going to host the large 40 plus people family Christmas on December 19th. I know crazy, and totally insane! Yet trust me the more people said we needed to back out the more determined I was to host the Christmas - be Super Mom, and Super Host. However the wisdom of Jesus prevailed and we have decided not to host the family Christmas this year. Reality is that we have no idea if the Birth Mom will give birth by her due date, and it is not fair to our new little one, or to the little one growing in my tummy to add all the extra stress of pulling off and hosting a huge Family Christmas. I am not able to do it all. Yes I know astounding, Leanne actually admitted that she is not able to do it all. Well it is true and I am slowly becoming okay with that reality!!!! :)


Leanne said...

Definitely make receiving blankets. The ones you buy aren't nearly big enough.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Yeah for shopping and finding what you were looking for. Was thinking about you today

Jodie said...

Way to say "no". It does help with the whole stress level of life, and there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself first, especially with 2 babies on the way. Merry Christmas to you!
Jodie Johnson