Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

27 weeks and Dr.'s Visit

Today was little Mac's two week check up, and she did great. She is back to her birth weight and then some! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of her! The doctor would not say one way or another if little Mac is teething, all she said was that at this age and weight she would not recommend giving her Tylenol, so we will find other natural remedies to help with this.

I am struggling with finding the balance between sitting all day and bonding with my daughter and trying to get the things that need to get done, done. I am not worried about things like vacuuming, it is more like the laundry that she has spit up all over, and sterilizing the bottles, so we can make sure that the thrush clears up and stays away. The dishes get done simply because I may as well do them while I am cleaning the bottles! Oh well they will get done, even if it is Jeral who has to do them!

I am now 27 weeks pregnant - with 13 left to go before Jaris is born. Here is hoping he is on time and not late! Gotta love Braxton Hicks contractions - at least when they come I know I have done to much for the day and need to relax - not a hard thing to do though when I get to hold my little girl close to my heart! So far all is well in the pregnancy and we are looking forward having both our children in our arms!


Leanne said...

Hyland's teething tablets... you can find them at the health food store.
Glad to hear you are all doing well. It is so great reading all your updates!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad the appointment went well. And glad you are enjoying relaxing while you hold your miracle. Hugs