Our shattered dreams are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.

Larry Crabb

Friday, January 22, 2010

One Month Old!

Our beautiful little girl and her one month old picture taken with the big teddy bear!

Our Daughter is now one month old, and the 30 day period of consent is up. Yesterday was the last day that the birth mom could revoke consent for us to adopt MacKenzie. After the 30 days the birth mom would have to petition the courts to get MacKenzie back and she would have to go through a home study and so on. So we are relieved that the 30 period of consent is up.

What a journey this has been. When we first started the journey to adopt I was terrified. I was afraid we would be rejected as a couple, and be left childless. Oh the days I cried in my counselors office and the days I cried privately in my own room. Now we have our beautiful daughter MacKenzie Joy, and the crying still happens (mostly little Mac though - however I cry too knowing our daughter will face much pain and heartache in the years to come about being given up, so she could be embraced and loved by us).

Looking back on this last month the journey has not been easy - yet I would never trade a moment of it. Being pregnant and having a new born is different, yet that is the only experience I know so I am not able to say it is not normal because for us this is our normal. This is our journey. A journey we are grateful for.

I love watching Jeral stare at his little girl and watch his heart totally melt and fall in love with her. I love watching our daughter coo in the arms of her father. I love watching her snuggle in and relax in his arms (when she is not being fussy). I love holding her even when she is screaming. I love that I get to be the one to be there for her after the screaming is done, and I love being the one whose arms she falls asleep in. She is my little girl - my MacKenzie Joy!

Now with all this being said I also am looking forward to the birth of my son. I am not sure how we will manage everything and yet we KNOW this is where God has lead us, so we know He will give us the strength to do what we are able to and the humility to ask for help.


Unknown said...

Such a wonderful milestone!!! YAYAYAYA

Trev and Rebekah said...

She's so tiny next to the bear. miss you